The Peacock and Me


By Ellis Harms

It was rare to leave the farm when I was growing up, but my dear, young father tried.

One Sunday afternoon we drove through Point Defiance Park in Tacoma, about 60 miles north of our farm, and spotted a lone peacock calmly walking the path, dragging his beautiful plumage on the ground behind.

I was about 14 years old at the time. My dad said to me, “Why don’t you just step on that peacock’s tail and get all the feathers you want. I think he was joking, but I took him seriously. I jumped out of the car and went running after the peacock. I caught up and stepped on its tail. To my happy surprise I got a whole handful of peacock feathers. Luckily there were no park authorities around.

Forever, thereafter, gorgeous peacock feathers have adorned our house. I still marvel at the beauty of a peacock feather – and won’t forget how I got my first specimen.


  • Dawn Harms

    That is Neil and Gale and my dad, in the picture.
    Such a precious picture…I had never seen this before.
    I love it.

  • Peggy Arms

    Please identify people in the photo. Thank you!
    Love the blogs by Ellis

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