It had been nearly 20 years since I had last visited, yet I felt so at home. The revival of this brand has drawn me so close to the original Harms Farms that I felt a sort of magnetic pull to go back and visit the place where it all began.
Similar to the inception of Harms Farms 2.0, what basically started out as an idea turned into a reality. A spontaneous road trip to visit my longtime friend, Guysen, in Eugene, Oregon, brought me within striking distance of the farm, which was a mere three-hour drive away. The day before my planned departure back home ...
I often sit alone in the “courtyard” here in this place and say to myself, “What am I doing here?” “How did I get here in the middle of Sacramento?” I guess I have to remember my former life in Paradise, to answer these questions. Our house was burned to the ground – only ashes left – hard as it is to forget, I have to relive it to tell this story!! Arlene, my faithful wife of 67 years and I had lived in our beloved town of Paradise, built our own home, had lived in Paradise for 58 years – raised 3 wonderful kids, where shall I begin? My life is a series of miracles ...